
[14 teams confirmed] The European Chamber Tianjin 3rd Football Game and International Family Day 中国欧盟商会天津分会第三届足球赛暨国际家庭日Go back »


  Team registration will be closed on next Wednesday, May 10th.

  14 corporate teams have confirmed: Schlote, Big Dutchman, Leybold, TURCK, Airbus (Tianjin) Final Assembly, Airbus Tianjin Delivery Centre, COFICAB, GEA, WAGO, NNIT, Flender, VWATJ, Odelo and Tianjin Plus.

  已确认参赛的欧盟企业,共计14家。包括施洛特,必达,莱宝真空,图尔克中国,空客总装,空客交付,科斐凯博,基伊埃,万可中国,恩恩科技,弗兰德,大众变速器,欧德亮和Tianjin Plus。

  The European Chamber Tianjin Chapter 3rd Football Game and International Family Day is coming on 10th June 2023.


  10+ teams will compete for the championship, with the best player, best scorer, best goalkeeper, three individual awards. New team will be also highlighted this year.


  The outdoor market at the side of the court is full of beautiful things to see and interactive games are wonderful. There are also prize winning games, outdoor fun family challenges, and tour of the Schlote factory. Bring the kids and come and play.


  The International Family Day is open to the public. Register in advance and enter freely with the e-ticket. Please download the e-ticket at the bottom of the page.


  >> Event Date & Time 活动日期

  Saturday,10 June 2023  2023年6月10日周六全天, 07:25- 19:30

  >> Match Highlights  比赛亮点:

  Professional referee team certified by the Chinese Football Association 来自中国足协认证的专业裁判团队

  Teams from multinational enterprises operating in Tianjin 天津跨国企业组成的球队联谊

  One of best local pitches 天津最好的足球场地之一,草坪软硬适中

  Top 3 teams enjoy BBQ dinner and beer  at sunset  傍晚时分冠亚季军球队及员工尽情享受烧烤晚餐和啤酒

  >> History of the European Chamber Football Game 欧盟商会足球赛历史: 

12 teams in 2022:  Airbus, Airtech, Leybold,  Schlote, NNIT, Turck, GBS China, Tianjin Plus, VWATJ, WAGO, Flender  2022年参赛队伍:空客,埃尔泰克,莱宝真空,施洛特,恩恩科技,图尔克中国,渣打环球商业服务,Tianjin Plus,大众变速器,万可电子,弗兰德

10 teams in 2021:  Airbus, Airtech, Leybold, Turck, Volkswagen, Schlote, Siemens and Goglio 2021年参赛队伍:空客,埃尔泰克,莱宝真空,图尔克,大众变速器,施洛特,西门子电气传动和高利尔包装

  Champion of 2022: Airtech Asia  2022年度冠军球队:天津埃尔泰克复合材料有限公司

  Champion of 2021: Schlote Automotive Parts(Tianjin) Co.,Ltd  2021年度冠军球队:施洛特汽车零部件(天津)有限公司

  >> Family day Highlights 家庭日亮点:

  Bazaar 市集: Come enjoy a fun day of socializing and creativity with food, handcrafted items, vintage and second hand styles while selling your own products with your friends, colleagues, family members and even kids. 30 outdoor booths diversify as food, toys, games and make our children enjoy the whole day. 与家人、朋友和同事乐享周末可口美食和市集。30个摊位售卖精心出品的美食美物、有趣的手作杂货及二手物品。

  Fun Challenge for Families 家庭寻宝游戏:2 times of fun challenge for families to do with kids to group-up and enjoy the games and teamwork. 活动当天上下午分别两次家庭寻宝游戏,让孩子享受游戏的快乐和体验团队配合。

  Factory Tour 工厂参观:2 plant tours in Schlote during the event day. Adults and children are all welcome to join. 活动当天上午和下午分别两次施洛特工厂参观,欢迎成人和儿童加入。

  Kids Area 儿童娱乐区:  Kids area with various games and gifts. 带着孩子来娱乐区,玩游戏,赢奖品。

  BBQ at Sunset  晚霞中尽享烧烤:Top 3 corporate teams and best new team, and their families enjoy complimentary BBQ by the side of football field. 冠亚季军公司球员和家庭在晚霞中球场边尽享欢乐BBQ。

  >> Call for 50 booths  50个集市展商招募开放

  50 Free of Charge Booths Available! 50个免费集市展位招募: Come enjoy a fun day of socializing. 50 outdoor booths are available and free of charge on a first-come-first-serve basis. 与家人、朋友和同事乐享周末户外活动和市集。50个摊位招募中,摊位免费,先到先得。

  (There will be RMB300 deposit if you register for a booth with us. If you cancel your participation less than 48 hours before the event day, the deposit will not be refunded. 预订摊位会收取人民币300元押金,如您于活动前48小时内取消,押金不予退还)

  Cash sponsor and sponsorship opportunities for prizes and gifts are available! For more information, please contact Mr. Tony Wu @ 022-5830 7809 or via twu@europeanchamber.com.cn

  家庭日开放现金、礼品、伴手礼等赞助机会,详细信息请以邮件或电话方式联络商会工作人员Tony Wu.

  电话:022-5830 7809  邮箱:twu@europeanchamber.com.cn

  >> Participation Fee 活动费用:

  1.       Team registration fee. 10% discount for teams played in 2021 and 2022

  Member: RMB5600 per team


  Non-member: RMB6600 per team


  2.       Registration fee is inclusive of lunch for the players.


  >> Football Match Tentative Agenda 足球赛暂定活动安排

  07:25 – 07:45   Team Registration and Photo Taking 球队签到和拍照

  07:45 – 08:30   Opening Ceremony 开幕式

  08:30 – 15:55   Round Robins 小组赛大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!

  16:15 – 17:30   Semi-Final & Final Match 半决赛和决赛

  17:30 – 17:40   Award Ceremony 颁奖仪式

  18:00 - 19:30   Top 3 teams and best new team enjoy BBQ dinner and beer 获得比赛前三名的球队尽情享受烧烤晚餐和啤酒

  >> Family Day Tentative Agenda 家庭日暂定活动安排大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!

  08:00 – 09:00   Booth registration and setup 摊位签到和搭建

  09:00 – 16:30   Open for whole day 全天户外集市

  10:00 – 11:00   Fun Challenge for Families 家庭寻宝游戏

  11:15 – 11:45   Schlote Factory Tour 施洛特工厂参观

  11:00 – 14:00   Lunch 午餐

  13:00 – 14:00   Fun Challenge for Families 家庭寻宝游戏

  14:30 – 15:00   Schlote Factory Tour 施洛特工厂参观

  16:30                Bazaar closes

  >> Payment 付款方式:报名后请将费用汇款至以下账户,并在银行转账单上附注TJ20230610 或 联系商会工作人员付费

  A/C Name: 中国欧盟商会

  A/C No.: 7110210182500027543

  China CITIC Bank 中信银行京城大厦支行大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!


  Participation fee will be accepted by bank transfer or cash. Please make the transfer before 20th May 2023 and remark TJ20230610. 请于2023年5月20日前以银行转账或现金方式缴纳报名费用,转账请备注 “TJ20230610"

  >> Remarks 备注:

  Organizer reserve the rights to change the rules depending on the schedule.


[14 teams confirmed] The European Chamber Tianjin 3rd Football Game and International Family Day 中国欧盟商会天津分会第三届足球赛暨国际家庭日Go back »

[14 teams confirmed] The European Chamber Tianjin 3rd Football Game and International Family Day 中国欧盟商会天津分会第三届足球赛暨国际家庭日Go back »
