
卢卡库半场大四喜,比利时5:0大胜,小组头名出战明年欧洲杯 Big Win for the Belgian Red Devils

卢卡库半场大四喜,比利时5:0大胜,小组头名出战明年欧洲杯 Big Win for the Belgian Red Devils



Belgium goes to the Euros as group leader

11月20日,2024年欧洲杯预选赛的尾声,比利时男子足球队在与阿塞拜疆队的比赛中取得了5-0的伟大胜利。本场比赛的主角无疑是卢卡库(Romelu Lukaku),他的四粒进球让博杜安国王体育场为之颤抖,为他送去掌声和敬畏。

On 20th November, among the last matches of The European Qualifiers, Belgium’s male football squad was victorious against Azerbaijan, clinching an important 5-0 victory. The man of this match was undoubtedly Romelu Lukaku, whose four goals made the King Baudouin stadium tremble with applause and awe.

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Lukaku Scored 4 Times

第17分钟,卢卡库掀起了一连串的惊涛骇浪。多库(Jérémy Doku)在自己尝试了几次之后,将球传给了卢卡库(绰号Big Rom),后者像一位经验丰富的老将一样用头将球指挥了出去。没过多久,阿塞拜疆球员埃迪就吃到了两张黄牌,不得不离场。在随后的混乱中,卡斯塔涅(Timothy Castagne)为卢卡库送上了2-0的进球。这个进球使卢卡库与莱万多夫斯基(Robert Lewandowski)并列世界最佳射手。

第30分钟,卢卡库上演帽子戏法:有些球员可能会对3-0的比分感到满意,但这位在安德莱赫特皇家足球俱乐部开始职业生涯的球员却大开杀戒:4-0,而且还没到中场休息时间。卢卡库是红魔队史上唯一一位在单半场打进4球的球员。不仅如此,他还成为了2024年欧洲杯预选赛的最佳射手,超过了家喻户晓的C罗(Cristiano Ronaldo)和姆巴佩(Kylian Mbappé)。

The 17th minute started a series of shock waves. After a few tries on his own, Jérémy Doku passed the ball to Big Rom, who directed the ball with his head like the seasoned veteran he is. It wasn’t long until Azerbaijani player Eddy amassed two yellow cards and had to leave the pitch. In the disruption that ensued, Timothy Castagne served Lukaku his 2-0 on a silver platter. This goal saw Romelu on equal footing with Robert Lewandowski among the world’s top goal scorers of all time.

The thirtieth minute marked Lukaku’s hattrick: Some players might be satisfied with a 3-0 score, but the man who started his professional career at RSC Anderlecht went in for the kill: it was 4-0 and it wasn’t even halftime yet. Big Rom is the only Red Devil to ever score 4 goals in a single half. Not only that, but he became the top scorer in the 2024 Euro qualifiers, ahead of household names Cristiano Ronaldo and Kylian Mbappé.

中场休息时,我们的英雄前锋得到了应有的休息,他没有回到球场,以免将比分又扩大一倍。奥潘达顶替了他的位置。红魔依然表现出色,门将卡斯特尔斯(Koen Casteels)保持全场比赛零失球。第90分钟,特罗萨德(Leandro Trossard)锁定胜局,最终以5-0的极为悬殊的比分结束了比赛。

比利时队以小组第一的身份出征欧洲杯,卢卡库比以往任何时候都更受崇拜,特德斯科(Domenico Tedesco)以不败战绩结束了他作为主教练的第一年。


That halftime brought some well-deserved rest for our heroic striker, who was not to return to the pitch lest he double the score. Openda took his place. The Red Devils fared fine, keeper Koen Casteels kept a clean sheet for the match, and lo! In the 90th minute, Leandro Trossard sealed the deal, putting the final and painful score of 5-0 on the board.

Belgium goes to the Euros as group leader, Romelu Lukaku is more adored than ever, and Domenico Tedesco finishes his first year as manager undefeated.

We are now really looking forward to 2024 EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP in Germany next early summer!


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